LOTD78 - You Are Most Powerful When You Are Most Silent..
7/17/2016 08:29:00 AMUnknown
Still feeling a bit under the weather from my surgery. But hopefully I can recover fast with rest.
This post I was wanting to put out but was out of it. Anyways thank you for your patience and hope to return to regular ways soon. Much Love
Mesh Head~ LOGO Infinity Alex Hybrid v3.0.1
Body | Shape~ Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara | ❣My Own❣
EyeBrows~ chemical princess eyebrows
EyeLiner~ +ENVY+ ~LOGO - Eyeliner Makeup~
Nail Polish~ DP - Koffin Nails - FatPack - Wiccan Essentials @Mesh Body Addicts
Nail Polish~ DP - Koffin Nails - FatPack - Wiccan Essentials @Mesh Body Addicts
Hair~ little bones. Mars - The Dark @The Crystal Heart Festival
BodySuit~ -Pixicat- Sailor.Body (Black) @The Crystal Heart Festival
Leg Harness~ EMPIRE - Forsythia @We <3 Roleplay (Thx ♥)
Boots~ EMPIRE - #EMPIRE - Cosmos @The Crystal Heart Festival (Thx ♥)
Pet~ [Manticore] Fenrir v2
BodySuit~ -Pixicat- Sailor.Body (Black) @The Crystal Heart Festival
Leg Harness~ EMPIRE - Forsythia @We <3 Roleplay (Thx ♥)
Boots~ EMPIRE - #EMPIRE - Cosmos @The Crystal Heart Festival (Thx ♥)
Pet~ [Manticore] Fenrir v2